Kartra Marketplace

Kartra with all its various mouth-watering features has gone over the hedge with the Kartra marketplace. 

Imagine having the opportunity to earn regularly because of your unique set of skills in a talent marketplace. That’s a great opportunity, right? Also, you can decide to employ an accredited expert from the marketplace to help with certain vital aspects of your account.

Let’s explore what the Kartra marketplace is all about. 

What is Kartra Marketplace?

The Kartra marketplace offers users a platform to get the required skills and expertise they need to run their online business. It encourages a two-way beneficial relationship where those with relevant skills can offer their expertise at a price to Kartra users. 

The major beneficiaries of this feature are those who are well-skilled in the use of the Kartra platform and fields like web designing and digital marketing.

There are two main sections that make up the Kartra marketplace:

  • Experts for Hire.
  • Campaign Marketplace.

Experts for Hire

In the expert-for-hire section, users are exposed to a variety of top experts in relevant fields who are approved by the Kartra admin team as credible experts. 

As a business person, you can choose from this vast range of experts to help with major aspects of your business. 

Campaign Marketplace

Alternatively, the campaign marketplace allows skilled Kartra users to market and sell relevant products. For example, users can market and sell advertising, marketing, sales, or customer experience campaigns they have created.

How to Set Up Your Kartra Marketplace Account 

Setting up your Kartra Marketplace Account is not difficult but it requires certain strategic steps. 

Kartra Marketplace

Step One: The marketplace feature is strategically located in the “My Campaigns” menu which is located on the left-hand side of the Kartra first page. However, if you click on it, you won’t find anything there because you are yet to create a campaign.

Kartra Done For You Campaigns

Step Two: After clicking on the “My Campaigns” option a window opens and you get to choose between two options which are My Campaigns and Done for you. 

Kartra Done For You Campaigns

Step Three: While creating your campaign you are required to include all the necessary assets. The assets include products, lists, tags, pages, sequences, forms, memberships, and videos. You can also decide to edit it according to your taste.

Step Four: Once you are done setting up your campaign ensure you carefully preview the content to confirm that everything is in order and save it. Also, you can list out any of your campaigns in the marketplace and edit the basic information when necessary.

Moving forward, you can choose to share your campaign privately thus preventing other Kartra users from seeing them or you can list them on the marketplace for everyone to feast on. 

Selecting the right marketplace category is a vital part of your configuration process.

These categories and their subcategories could include;

  • Single page template.
  • Multi-page funnel.
  • Product launch.
  • Webinar sequence.
  • Membership site template.
  • A full campaign. 
  • Email sequence.

Finally, you are at liberty to choose if you want to make your campaign available for free or for sale.

How to Configure Pitch for Your Marketplace 

The quality of your pitch determines the kind of result you will get as a seller in the marketplace. 

The configuration process comes before publishing. Your pitch must contain clear details on what your campaign goals are. Your content should provide a clear insight into what you have to offer. 

Follow these steps to configure your pitch:

Step One: Click on “Launch Builder.” After doing this, a window opens giving you the chance to input your headline to your campaign.

Kartra Pitch Your Campaign

Step Two: After the window is open, you are offered thumbnails for text, image, or video, which allows you to add them in areas where they are relevant. 

Step Three: List your campaign benefits for users to see with bullet points. 

Step Four: Finally, ensure you properly preview your pitch and save it. 

If you diligently follow these steps you come up with the perfect pitch for your campaign. 

Benefits of Kartra Marketplace 

Kartra marketplace is beneficial to two categories of individuals. They include the seller and the buyer of a unique set of skills or services. 

Whatever category you fall in, you will enjoy the benefits the features have to offer. 

Earn Huge Profit

As an expert in Kartra-related services, you can market and sell these skills to interested Kartra users. You can sell your campaigns and funnels for a relatively huge sum and earn consistently while doing this.

The payment and delivery are automatically handled by the platform. All you have to focus on is getting the job done. 

Proper Organization

The feature allows you to effectively sort and organize campaigns by single-page templates, multi-page funnels, membership templates, or full campaigns.  Also, sorting can be in ranks such as most popular, new arrivals, and price range.

Seamless Importation

With just a click of a button, you can seamlessly import campaigns—complete with pages, copy, and automation into your Kartra account. This feature aids your transaction via the marketplace.

Build Your Profile and List

Money’s not everything, rather than just focusing on earning as much as you can channel your efforts toward creating a free campaign.

This campaign is designed to encourage Kartra users to submit their details such as email for seamless future marketing purposes. 

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